New Study Suggests Lying Down for Blood Pressure Readings May Improve Predictions of Heart Issues and Death
New research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2023 has found that taking blood pressure readings while lying down could lead to more accurate predictions of future stroke, heart issues, and death. The study, which analyzed the readings of 11,369 participants over a period of 25-28 years, revealed that individuals with high blood pressure had more accurate predictions of coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and mortality when their blood pressure was measured while lying down compared to sitting.
The researchers behind the study believe that gravity might lower blood pressure when individuals are sitting or standing, resulting in less accurate readings. On the other hand, lying down is believed to provide a more consistent reading. Dr. Stephen Juraschek, the study’s senior researcher, suggests that these findings could greatly assist physicians in identifying patients who require treatment.
However, it is important to note that these findings are preliminary and have not been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal. Further research is required to confirm these results and understand any potential limitations, such as the 20-minute lying down period used in the study.
Experts who were not involved in the research suggest that supine blood pressure (blood pressure measured while lying down) could have as much impact on cardiovascular outcomes as seated blood pressure. They recommend that physicians consider taking blood pressure readings while patients are lying down to avoid missing high blood pressure issues.
While more research is needed to confirm these findings and understand any potential implications, the simplicity of lying down while getting blood pressure readings could empower individuals to check their own blood pressure at home. This could potentially improve early detection of high blood pressure and allow for appropriate interventions.